Research and Publications 

Social anxiety, voice confrontation and voice recognition: A bilingual exploration. International Journal of Psychology

Me, not-me: Voice note use predicts self-voice recognition and liking. Computers in Human Behavior Reports

Understanding Mental Health Needs and Predictors of Anxiety in Emirati Female Students in Higher Education. OBM Neurobiology

Editorial: Recent developments in neuroimaging in mood disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry 

Comorbidities Associated With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents at a Tertiary Care Setting Global Pediatric Health 

The Use of Art Therapy in Alleviating Mental Health Symptoms in Refugees: A Literature Review. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion

An exploratory study of hallucination-proneness and own-voice discrimination among bilingual college students Psychiatry Research

Undergraduate teaching assistantships: exploring career readiness and relationality among Emirati students Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 

Psychological vulnerability as an integral component of comprehensive vulnerability assessment: informing policy and practice in disaster risk reduction. International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion

On the neural basis of word reading: A meta-analysis of fMRI evidence using activation likelihood estimation. Journal of Neurolinguistics

Perspective on Neurobiological and Clinical Early Indicators of Mild Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer’s Disease. OBM Neurobiology

Towards person-centered neuroimaging markers for resilience and vulnerability in Bipolar Disorder. Neuroimage 

Culture and the psychological impacts of natural disasters: Implications for disaster management and disaster mental health The Built and Human Environment review

Independent Modulation of Engagement and Connectivity of the Facial Network During Affect Processing by CACNA1C and ANK3 Risk Genes for Bipolar Disorder  JAMA Psychiatry 70

Asperger Syndrome: Implications in adulthood Revista Saúde Mental 10

Dynamic Causal Modeling of load-dependent modulation of effective connectivity within the verbal working memory network Human Brain Mapping 

The Body and Mental Health Nascer e Crescer 19 

Neurobiology of ADHD Psiquiatria Clínica 31

Examination of the predictive value of structural magnetic resonance scans in bipolar disorder: a pattern classification approach Psychological Medicine 44

Childhood abuse is associated with structural impairment in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex and aggressiveness in patients with borderline personality disorder Psychological Research 213

Increased salience of gains versus decreased associative learning differentiate bipolar disorder from schizophrenia during incentive decision making Psychological Medicine 43 

Legal Implications of ADHD Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psiquiatria e Psicologia da Justiça 3

Sex differences in bipolar disorder: a review of neuroimaging findings and new evidence Bipolar Disorders 14

Molecular and Genetic Evidence for normalities in the Nodes of Ranvier in Schizophrenia Arch Gen Psychiatry 69

Frontopolar cortical inefficiency may underpin reward and working memory dysfunction in Bipolar Disorder  World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 8

The impact of the CACNA1C gene polymorphism on frontolimbic function in Bipolar Disorder  Molecular Psychiatry 16

Familial and disease specific abnormalities in the neural correlates of the Stroop Task in Bipolar Disorder Neuroimage 56

The impact of general intellectual ability and white matter volume on the functional outcome of patients with Bipolar Disorder and their relatives Journal of Affective Disorders 130

The impact of the Val158Met COMT genotype on neural correlates of sad facial affect processing in patients with Bipolar Disorder and their relatives Psychological Medicine 41

Pituitary volume in patients with bipolar disorder and their first-degree relatives Journal of Affective Disorder 124

Neuroimaging Network of the ECNP networks initiative. Brain structural changes associated with chronicity and antipsychotic treatment in schizophrenia European Neuropsychopharmacology 19

No gender differences in brain activation during the N-back task: an fMRI study in healthy individuals Human Brain Mapping 30

Dissociable brain structural changes associated with predisposition, resilience, and disease expression in bipolar disorder Journal of Neuroscience 29 

The effects of gender and COMT Val158Met polymorphism on fearful facial affect recognition: a fMRI study  International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 12 

The Maudsley Early Onset Schizophrenia Study: the effect of age of onset and illness duration on frontoparietal gray matter European Psychiatry 23

Pilot investigation of the changes in cortical activation during facial affect recognition with lamotrigine monotherapy in bipolar disorder  British Journal of Psychiatry 192

Changes in brain activation during working memory and facial recognition tasks in patients with bipolar disorder with Lamotrigine monotherapy European Neuropsychopharmacology 18

QT interval prolongation related to psychoactive drug treatment: a comparison of monotherapy versus polytherapy Annals of General Psychiatry 4

Duration of Untreated Psychosis. A clinical case Revista do Hospital Júlio de Matos 22

If you require a electronic copy of any of the above publications, please contact us.